On this page, you will learn how to create new rewards for DeluxeCombat.
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On this page, you will learn how to create new rewards for DeluxeCombat.
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First, you need to know that the rewards can be configured in the . If you have opened the config.yml, you can scroll down to the "Rewards" section.
The rewards are located below the "Rewards.permissions" section. The rewards you can configure with DeluxeCombat are completely permission based. That means, if we want to create a new reward, we need a new permission. You can choose whatever permission you want but please remember that you can use each permission just once.
NOTE: You have to replace every dot (.) in the permission with a "-". That means, if you want that players with the permission "" can get this reward, you have to insert it in the config.yml with "permission-one".
The configuration of a new reward consists of 4 parts. First, the permission we have talked about above. Then kill_mode, chance and cmds.
The kill mode describes, in which situation the reward can be achieved. You can choose between following kill modes:
Reward for killing a player
Reward for killing an animal
Reward for killing a monster
Reward for killing a monster/animal
Reward for killing a player with an active bounty
Reward for killing a player with a kill streak
For those kill modes, you can have additional options such as entity type and entity name. If you are configuring those, you can restrict the reward to those options.
Another example:
Another example:
The chance describes with which chance the reward will get executed. 100% will execute the reward everytime the kill mode gets triggered. 1% only in 1 out of 100 etc.
The cmds are the actions that get executed when achieving the reward. Following actions can be used:
Will execute a command from the console
Will send a title message to the player
Will send a subtitle message to the player
Will send a chat message to the player
Will play a sound to the player
In this example, we have 3 different rewards setup: