The following page is for users that have installed DeluxeShop, to expand another plugin by a shop.

Check if DeluxeShop is installed correctly

After you have put the DeluxeShop.jar into your plugins folder, start your server.

Please make sure that you have at least one of the required plugins installed, that want to be expanded by DeluxeShop. Following plugins already support DeluxeShop:

  • DeluxeCombat

  • TrickOrTreat

After your server has been enabled, go ingame and run following command:

/deluxeShop hooks

If a message pops up that lists the hooked plugins, you are ready to go!

If you see following message, you can't use DeluxeShop any further.

Setting up a shop

After you have checked if you can use DeluxeShop you are ready to go and can setup your shop.

To create a layout for your shop, run following command:

/deluxeshop editShop

After that, a inventory should pop up. You now can put any item you want into the inventory. Everything is possible so live your creativity and design the shop to your likings.

After you have put in any placeholders such as black glass panes, and your shop items you can close the inventory. Following message should pop up:

Now its time to configure the items you like to sell. For this, run following command:

/deluxeshop editItems

Now, the same menu should pop up as last time you have setup the shop layout. But now, you can't put any item into the inventory, you can only click on those items you have put in.

If you have clicked on an item you would like to sell, the configuration page should pop up. You then find many options to customize the shop item.

You have following options:

After you have setup an item, you can close the inventory and type in /deluxeshop editItems again to setup other items you would like to sell.

Linking the shop to a Citizen NPC

If you don't want your players to run the open command for the shop, you can add a trait to a npc that will open the shop, if you right-click the npc.

For that, simply select the NPC and apply the trait to it:

1) /npc sel

2) /trait deluxeshop


Last updated